I am now on day #7 in my countdown to my induction next week and eagerly participating in every old wives-never gonna work-might as well kill time, attempt at helping to sway her into arriving on her own.

I was induced at 41 weeks with my beautiful first daughter Jocelyn and after 35 hours of letting the pitocin do its "trick" I held her 8 lb 9 oz little self in my arms. They are inducing me at 39 weeks, due to her estimated size and my complications with SPD this time around, so with only a week to go, I'm hoping I can encourage her to get a move on at the very least.
My emotions are everywhere, again standing only moments or days away from my life changing forever. What have I got myself into? I find comfort in the gentle comments of my fans, suggestions of what they did and how it worked out, but somehow at the end of everyday I find myself nervously awaiting to see if that night will be the one I get to meet my next little princess. The humor in it all is those that think I'm crazy, like I'm doing too much or have too much on my plate, and while I can see how it may appear to make things more frantic, I am more at ease in the chaos of it all. I keep busy that's for sure, I love to fill my jewelry orders, read some case studies for my own educational enrichment, plan a dinner party for friends, or do just about anything I can think of to stay active.

Today's activities have been no exception, though they all have had one goal in mind; get baby out! I have been eating pineapple like it's going out of style, downed a burrito like I hadn't eaten in weeks, drank raspberry tea imagining it was the glass of wine I've been waiting since November to enjoy, and organized to the point that I have no idea where I moved things. The good news if that the light at the end of the tunnel is now visible, the downside of that is, I have no depth perception and can't tell if the light is 3 hours or 3 days away.

For now I'll lay back and visualize if my new little girl will be as much of a handful as her older sister. Clad in beads, tiaras, tutus and glitter, not that I'd have it any other way. She really makes my days more fulfilling though the attitude seems to be taking a turn from princess to 2 yr old diva fairly quick. These are a few of my favorite photos of Jo, and yes she dressed herself and being that I'm too pregnant to fight her, most of these were worn to the store or to run errands. Here's to you little Muffin (her nickname from the hospital) you are an amazing, silly and as always a well accessorized little girl and I'd be lucky to have your little sister Alysa be just as fabulous as you are.

Well on to more busy bee tasks, I need to close my giveaway on facebook and announce my winners.