About Me

YES those kid's are mine, NO i don't know why one has ketchup in her hair, one's screaming "PANCAKE STORE" and one's drooling on himself.... but I'm a pro.... I think.
I have been writing for as long as I can remember with countless unpublished books and poems sitting on my desktop. I love to create and design, and am the owner of Peapod's & Birdnests on Facebook, creating Custom Handmade Jewelry. 

This is  day to day "please put your boogers in a tissue", child chasing, meal preparing, deal shopping, " let the damn dog out", where's my coffee chaos of a 20 something year old mom of 3. 
I aim to please, I work real hard and I run my own business. I'm loud, spicy and in your face kinda like a good tequila sans the lime. Limes are for amateurs. I don't mean to offend anyone, my language is questionable at best, sorry I'm not sorry but life ain't always rainbows and glitter. There is glitter everywhere in this house though and in colors we don't even own anything in. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM!!!! It's like little pixies puke everywhere while we're sleeping. From now own glitter shall formally be known as pixie puke.
 I am constantly busy, running around, planning something, filling orders or dealing with the everyday shenanigans of being a mommy, wife and business own. I've NEVER easy, but it's not supposed to me. Getting to the top of Everest is a great view but getting their was the experience and what you'll cherish. All your hard work, lessons, sweat and tears.

So this is my journey to Everest. I'm sure my view is more or less covered in spilled milk, beads and crayon but hey, my Everest gives the best hug, cutest kisses and greatest rewards.