Saturday, August 9, 2014

Catching up

So I've been MIA.. .a lot has happened since my last post so lets start with the easy stuff. For 1 business is good with PPBN and I recently got back into Life coaching, an addition to my repertoire you will likely see take shape here. Probably the biggest news is that I'm now a mother of 3. After my miscarriage and swearing I wasn't strong enough to go through another emotional and on edge pregnancy I discovered I was pregnant in April of 2013.

What a roller coaster that was. I am however happy to report that 2 weeks early but not a moment too soon, my gorgeous baby boy was born November 30. He is a gift I never knew I needed and I've never been so in love with anyone. For me it was like a gift, like a greater good saying, you ARE strong enough, you CAN do this, and HERE you go. 9 months have never passed both so slow and so fast. My second rainbow baby. Unfortunately the day I found out was the day after my grandfather took his own life. That scenario no matter how much psychology you study, how many crisis classes you take, how many people you know that have been through it, NOTHING can prepare you for that situation. 2013 was a year where we lost greatness and gained awareness. Awareness for the precious things, that in darkness it is easier to see the smaller lights and that rainbows do come after the biggest storms. I learned that anger really is the best defense, not the most appropriate but definitely the easiest and I taught myself how to control it. How to channel those feeling in and to express them toward something deserving of my focus. I learned how to be a better person. This blog will grow, take on new shape, redirect it's path and I hope you will follow with me.