I swear without my morning cup of coffee you'd probably find me rocking back and forth in a corner nonsensically rambling about applesauce, diapers and baby barf. My 2 yr old daughter even knows my coffee fix, when I ask if she wants to get a drink at the store she replies "STAR-bucks?". Nice right, embarrassment or pride, I don't know. Somehow in the scheme of the last 2 yrs a forgot what newborns were like. Jo never cried this much, she would quickly suck down here 4 oz bottle and back to sleep she'd go. Aly on the other hand likes to take her sweet time during her early morning meals. I fed this little being from midnight until 3:30 last night, she was so slow I swear she digested it faster than she drank it, because I kept having to give her another ounce. I thought I was going to lose my mind, at one point I looked at my husband and mouthed a slew of profanity to which he laughed.
With that being said there is some positive light, I am absolutely in love with my family. I feel that our number is complete, not that I wasn't happy as a family of 3 but in retrospect I think Alysa was our missing piece. My husband has been amazing, not that I didn't love him before but lets just say the pregnancy wasn't easy on us as a couple. We are very active together with going out, entertaining and in the winter snowboarding and over the 9 months I was horribly limited especially needing to stay home with Jo. It wasn't easy, since Alysa has arrived life is bliss. I surprised him yesterday with Daddy appreciation day by having a couples massage at a local spa them a Spanish tapas and wine date. Finishing up the meal with coffee before heading back home. Life is good, there are moments where I look at myself and say "YOUR CRAZY, you take on too much!" but I don't know that I'd honestly have it any other way.
My husband is planning our 3 yr Anniversary as I type and I am looking forward to it, though it will be our first night away from our girls. I have an awesome review to write for another AMAZING Page on Facebook, so keep an eye out. Don't miss this one.
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