Some of my posts are funny, others inspiring but this one may have a different tone.
While shopping today, a mother was yelling at her children. I'm going to guess the ages of these two boys to be 2 yrs and maybe 5. Now don't get me wrong, I reach the end of my fuse and sometimes raise my voice to get my 2.5 yr old's attention, however, never in a public place and never like this. I heard her a few aisle over, she wasn't even near me. It was bad enough that the elderly women browsing oatmeal next to me, abruptly snapped her head toward me and said "what in world was that?"
My "don't be THAT girl" this week is, don't be the GIRL who loses her cool. This women was SCREAMING and there was some profanity involved. "Shut the "H" up!" "Will you stop "F"ing around!" Shock and disbelief would be the understatement of the day. To yell like that in public at all is sketchy but at young children? YIKES! Now the kids were being hell raisers, snapping back, whining, hitting each other so lets just say obviously the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You can't let it get to you like that. Behind closed doors we have time outs, apologies, consequences and such. In public, there has to be a strategy to get in and out without sounding the "call CPS!" alarm. You set the example, if you want your kids composed in public, be composed. If you want them quiet, distract them. If they get fussy, occupy them. Interact with them, have them look for things, count things or let them eat a lollipop while strolling the aisle. You don't want to be the crazy lady screaming at her children in front of everyone, keep your composure. If they are nagging, bugging or harassing you.... OUT SMART them! You should be well prepared to do this. "I want the Lucky Charms, I want them, I want them..." PUT THEM IN YOUR CART!! Just cause they are in the cart doesn't mean you are buying them. When you go to check out tell the cashier, you aren't purchasing them. DONE! They want to scream then.. GO FOR IT, we are on our way out!
Jo and I look for things, wheres the pink cereal box? Let's buy 5 apples. She helps. If she gets cranky, I give her, her video game or my phone which I downloaded her favorite cartoon episodes from itunes on.. THANK YOU iPhone! This is a lifesaver out at dinner too. She watches Olivia, I finish shopping. People will not be as annoyed by your kids as they will be by you yelling and carrying on.
Interact with them- Play a game, have them help, talk
Distract them- Give them something to do- video game,
Occupy them- Lollipops, cookie, whatever works
Outsmart- "fine, we will put the cookies in the cart"
Warn- Let them know you are unhappy with their behavior
Don't be THAT girl looking crazy and decaffeinated. Yes, you're pissed, irritated, tired, frustrated... I KNOW, been there done that. These steps and some preventative measures like a lollipop on hold in your purse should be steps before ever resulting to screaming. All else fails take the extra step and shop where there is a coffee shop inside, load up in espresso while shopping and sip the whining and annoying all the way to checkout.
Oh man, this reminds me of when I was little. I was a brat, big time. But my mom never lost her cool. She removed me from the situation. I was never yelled at or spanked infront of people. My mom did a great job.