Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Easy finger puppets

Jo loves stories and little "dolls" so I thought using some pom poms I'd attempt to make some finger puppets for her to play with.

You can use Popsicle sticks if you don't have pipe cleaners to make the loops for fingers. I used large sparkle pom poms, felt, cardboard for eyes because I couldn't find the google eyes I hid from Jo (figures) and a hot glue gun.

Make a "U" shape with pipe cleaners flaring out the ends to glue the main pom to and then add you extras. I put the animals letter on the back so I can use them as a learning tool too to find other items around the house that have the same letter as Albert the alligator..

She loves them.
We have Albert the alligator which is large and medium sparkle poms and 2 small poms for eyes.

Buzzy the bumble bee which is 1 large sparkle Pom and a small Pom with felt wings and stripes

Chloe the cat
Daisy the dragonfly
And Freddy the frog
We will be making an elephant, goldfish and horse next.
We make up stories and do scavenger hunts for their letters.

Have fun!! Freddy is her favorite! (mine too- he finally caught that pesky fly he's been after in our story)

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